Thursday, May 13, 2010

the cloth diaper revolution

a while back, cade's cousin, laina, told me she was planning on using cloth diapers with her upcoming baby. at first, i was intrigued that anyone would choose to go back to cloth after all the advances of disposable diapers; however, i knew that laina was perfectly sane and intelligent so i didn't throw the idea out as ridiculous immediately. instead, i went home and started to research the benefits and options in cloth diapering. it was amazing to see how far they have come from the plastic pants and safety pins... and further amazing to see how friendly reusable diapers can be to both my wallet and the environment. needless to say, i questioned laina more and watched as she had such success diapering her little boy. so when little violet became a part of our lives, we too decided to use reusable diapers.
while cade and i do appreciate the green revolution taking place in this country, our main reason for going cloth was to help us financially. the diapers have an upfront cost- but the payoff is huge. the diapers we chose will fit a baby weighing between 8 and 30 pounds, so they'll last vi until she is ready to potty train. they snap close and expand every-which-way to fit a baby best. plus, most diapers will last for more than one child... cha ching!
so far, we have been very pleased with our decision. they are easy to clean, diaper rash is nil (knock on wood) and oh-so-soft. check out this faq sheet on the pros of reusables.

laina, our inspiration, was so excited about her change that she decided to open her own business selling diapers with her sister. it would be crazy to do a whole post chatting about how much we love these diapers without pointing you to her site the uncommon bottom. she blogs about all the types of diapers and meets with people one-on-one to help them chose the diapers that are best for them.
vi has an uncommon bottom and we love it.


LAINA said...

I am so glad that you love them! You forgot to mention how much cuter they look than disposable. Little Vi is just adorable in them!!! She has grown so much too since I saw her last.

We need to get together again soon.

Thanks for the promo!!!

Jessica Madsen said...

Wow, she is growing fast. What a beauty! She looks like her mom! WE agree, cloth diapers are awesome. And I agree with Laina, Violet is adorable in them. Nothing better than a baby in a daiper pic!

paige and jord said...

this is so common these days... i hear about it more and more. i'll have to look into it {when the time comes of course}. she just gets cuter and cuter. need to see her soon!

Kayleen said...

You've definitely got me considering them when I become a mom someday.
Vi is seriously one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen.
Tell Cade "Hermana Mortensen" says hi. :)

the Eggett's said...

sooo cool. I am considering making the switch for my new babe