in belgium, i blamed all my horrific cooking on inadequate grocery stores, my lackluster language skills and the fact that we owned one dingy pan.
i am not quite sure what my excuse is here in logan- but if you have a good one, let me know. i need it.
cade is adjusting as well as can be expected to his busy schedule.
personally, i'm not really into this kind of multitasking and honestly- many of you may think i have crossed the blogger line with this upload. i couldn't help myself. this moment made me laugh so hard- i couldn't just let this gem go to waste (it's pun time!). p.s. this was posted with cade's approval who is proud of his lifestye. he's a real go-getter this semester!
in fact- i would just like to take this opportunity to brag about how cool cade is. he was recognized by the president of usu and the board of directors as an outstanding student and a great example of student involvement. he received a "resolution of commendation." we're still looking those words up- but i couldn't be prouder. looks like all that extra time he's saving by extreme multitasking is really paying off.
we are liking our new ward. cade is really into the whole basketball scene, i am pretending to be into food storage and just last week the rs presidency paid us a nice visit to get to know us.
cade snapped this shot during the conversation which was directly followed by one of the girls commenting, "wow. that's never happened on one of our visits before."
welcome to the taylor home.