our first few weeks at work, there were some fun events we were able to be a part of. yes, i realize that was over a month ago, but i will post the pictures nonetheless.
Obelis celebrates 20 years of business this year and luckily for us, we made it just in time to enjoy the best of the festivities. to mark the occasion, they hosted a garden party for all our clients, friends and collaborators. we got all gussied up and met at the office for a night of live music, great moroccan food, dancing (much to cade's delight), and fine wine in large quantities (not really a delight- but they were nice enough to supply orange juice and water for us prudes).
it ended up being a really fun night. at first, i was worried we were going to be under-dressed and out of the loop. getting 'gussied up' while practically living out of a suitcase is quite the experience... but we managed to look presentable and we met a lot of interesting people from all over europe. and yes, we danced the night away.
the next week, we said goodbye to sarah and kevin, the two interns from utah state we were sent to 'replace.' they had been here in brussels for 6 months and obelis was sad to see them go. to say goodbye, management took the office bowling and out for super yummy greek food for dinner. mmmm....
cade and i haven't been bowling in a while but he still managed to get the top score and my 'poor form' left me near the bottom but it was still fun to socialize with everyone away from the office and to hang out with kevin and sarah.
we really like the people we work with. every week, the interns will get together at someone's apartment for dinner and we'll play games. this last week, we experiemented with various european cheeses and had a 'movie night.' we watched 'dan in real life' and the interns really wanted to see 'napolean dynamite' as well. they really enjoyed 'dan in real life'; unfortunately, napolean's butt load of funny phrases didn't quite seem as entertaining to a foreign audience. at the end of the show i found myself trying to explain what a 'fat lard' was and they, seemingly intrigued with puffy dress sleeves, asked all about american prom traditions.
william, a byu intern, has become our new travel buddy. this week we are going to paris with him and in early november, we have a huge roadtrip planned through germany, switzerland and the czech republic with william and another byu intern. between work and the ward, we have met so many great people. it makes brussels feel more like home.
have I mentioned that I'm 100% jealous of you guys! You are perfect for each other.
We loved your recent blog. We finally figured out the link between you and the Hillyerds. It looks like they are home? and will leave after Thanksgiving for Israel? You are now in their place and we think you are the greatest. It looks like you have a great opportunity like Kevin to land a really good job with all of your great creativity. Love Mommy and Daddy
I finally got caught up with you guys...yes I am still a reader! I am SO jealous of your travels, it seriously looks like you guys are having a blast. And Cade, that robe scares me....but I am glad to hear you are getting your money out of it! I love you guys, and Ash I love the bangs.
So that is seriously cool...and Cade I must say it's good to see you with a beard because my husband is the exact same way right now and I was wondering if he was just weird..but it seems to be with a lot of guys like the bearded look right now
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